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Select Service To View Coverage Area:
Service Area:
Limited Service:
Not Provided:
Coverage Areas, Defined One goal of the DJJ Service Continuum is to ensure that court-involved youth and families receive evidence-based services within their home community.

Coverage Area (in darker green) means the service provider regularly delivers community-based services in the locality. Limited Service (in lighter green) means the service provider does not have a regular presence in the locality but will travel as-needed to deliver services such as specialized assessments, evaluations, outpatient services at a CSU office, short-term group programs, or to underserved areas with low or infrequent service needs.

To view language availability, click to zoom in by region and then hover over a locality.

If you see any errors or missing information for this provider, please let us know!

If you see any errors or missing information for this provider, please let us know!